AZ Big Media recently tapped Gary Smith for expert insight into mechanic’s liens – detailing what Arizona contractors and suppliers need to know to ensure payment for their work. Gary delves into how this tool provides a vital form of security.

Without a mechanic’s lien, it’s all too often that workers find themselves subjected to unpaid invoices, no legal leverage to receive payment and inability to foreclose. Gary explains that a mechanic’s lien serves as protection, increasing assurance of payment to builders, contractors and materials suppliers involved in building or repairing structures. He also details the process for obtaining a mechanic’s lien, who is eligible or ineligible to file and the damage an incorrectly filed lien could cause, advising both construction professionals and project owners to seek professional counsel.

A seasoned litigator, advisor, mediator and arbitrator, Gary Smith focuses his practice on construction, real estate, commercial matters, cannabis, psychedelics and administrative law. He has represented a wide range of individual and institutional clients in both State and Federal courts, administrative hearings and arbitration.

For more insights, check out the full AZ Big Media article.