Lamar Hawkins and Phil Glasscock Steer In Business Readers Through Coming Bankruptcy Tsunami

The spate of high-profile national companies recently filing for bankruptcy is a harbinger of the tsunami coming toward Arizona businesses. However, planning, expeditious action and communication can help companies avoid bankruptcy […]

By |2023-10-04T16:49:12-07:00May 28th, 2020|Bankruptcy, In the News|Comments Off on Lamar Hawkins and Phil Glasscock Steer In Business Readers Through Coming Bankruptcy Tsunami

Gary Smith Highlights Opportunities for Cannabusinesses to Recoup COVID-19-Related Business Losses in Green Entrepreneur

Cannabis businesses impacted by COVID-19 may be able to recover some of their losses – if they had business interruption and contingent business interruption insurance. In a recent article written for […]

By |2023-10-04T16:49:12-07:00May 28th, 2020|Cannabis, In the News|Comments Off on Gary Smith Highlights Opportunities for Cannabusinesses to Recoup COVID-19-Related Business Losses in Green Entrepreneur

Sam Saks Guides Arizona Republic Through Recovering Deposits from COVID-19 Cancellations

Because coronavirus cancellation disputes will likely clog courts for years, Sam Saks sat down with the Arizona Republic and to explain options available for recovering deposits while […]

By |2023-10-04T16:49:13-07:00May 18th, 2020|Commercial Litigation, In the News|Comments Off on Sam Saks Guides Arizona Republic Through Recovering Deposits from COVID-19 Cancellations

Gary Smith Enlightens Cannabis Business Executive Readers on Business Interruption Insurance

Companies who invested in business interruption insurance could have greater protection than others during the pandemic, but policies can be difficult to understand. Gary Smith recently shared advice on

By |2023-10-04T16:49:15-07:00May 2nd, 2020|Cannabis, In the News|Comments Off on Gary Smith Enlightens Cannabis Business Executive Readers on Business Interruption Insurance

Gary Smith Advises Cannabusinesses on Lease Considerations in Green Entrepreneur

Property rental is often a business’s largest expense, and for cannabusinesses, the consequences of a bad lease are even more severe. Guidant’s Gary Smith pointed out lease […]

By |2023-10-04T16:49:16-07:00May 1st, 2020|Cannabis, In the News|Comments Off on Gary Smith Advises Cannabusinesses on Lease Considerations in Green Entrepreneur

Lamar Hawkins Counsels KTAR Listeners on Bankruptcy Avoidance

Speaking with top Phoenix news radio station KTAR, Lamar advised listeners on how to maintain cash reserves and negotiate with creditors and landlords. As the chair the Arizona Board of Legal Specialization’s Bankruptcy Law Advisory […]

By |2023-10-04T16:49:16-07:00April 17th, 2020|Bankruptcy, In the News|Comments Off on Lamar Hawkins Counsels KTAR Listeners on Bankruptcy Avoidance

Lamar Hawkins Discusses Coronavirus Fallout and Bankruptcy Options in Phoenix Business Journal

Knowing many companies are concerned about the impact the coronavirus shutdown will have on Valley businesses, Phoenix Business Journal turned to Lamar Hawkins for advice for commercial […]

By |2023-10-04T16:49:18-07:00March 23rd, 2020|Bankruptcy, In the News|Comments Off on Lamar Hawkins Discusses Coronavirus Fallout and Bankruptcy Options in Phoenix Business Journal

Gary Smith Untangles CBD’s Complex Legal Landscape for Green Entrepreneur

CBD has been getting a lot of buzz lately – and it’s expected to become a billion-dollar industry. But despite the industry’s exciting prospects, stringent FDA regulations remain. With deep expertise in

By |2023-10-04T16:49:19-07:00March 5th, 2020|Cannabis, In the News|Comments Off on Gary Smith Untangles CBD’s Complex Legal Landscape for Green Entrepreneur

Arizona Attorney Taps Guidant Attorneys for Deep Expertise of Cannabis Laws

The March issue of Arizona Attorney was devoted to cannabis’ complex legal landscape and  prominently featured Guidant’s Gary Smith and Alex Karam.

Gary’s article, […]

By |2023-10-04T16:49:40-07:00March 4th, 2020|Cannabis, In the News, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Arizona Attorney Taps Guidant Attorneys for Deep Expertise of Cannabis Laws
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