Sam Saks Serves on Legal Team Arguing Landmark Insurance Case Before Arizona Supreme Court

As a testament to his legal expertise in the area of personal injury and tort cases, Guidant attorney Sam Saks was recently part of the legal team arguing a case before the Arizona Supreme Court […]

By |2023-10-04T16:47:12-07:00August 24th, 2023|Personal Injury|Comments Off on Sam Saks Serves on Legal Team Arguing Landmark Insurance Case Before Arizona Supreme Court

Sam Saks Shares Advice with Goodyear Independent on Preparing for a Cycling Accident as Bike and Auto-Related Crashes Increase in Arizona

A recent deadly crash involving a truck and more than a dozen cyclists in Goodyear has put a spotlight on the rising number of injuries and fatalities statewide following bike and vehicle crashes.

It can be […]

By |2023-10-04T16:47:19-07:00April 18th, 2023|In the News|Comments Off on Sam Saks Shares Advice with Goodyear Independent on Preparing for a Cycling Accident as Bike and Auto-Related Crashes Increase in Arizona
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