Gary Smith Shares Insights at Arizona Cannabis Bar Association’s “Teaching the Happenings in Cannabis” Webinar

Lending insights into the latest developments in the industry, Guidant Law’s Gary Smith participated in Arizona Cannabis Bar Association’s “Teaching the Happenings in Cannabis” webinar featuring prominent leaders in the space. The presentation […]

By |2023-10-04T16:47:24-07:00January 6th, 2023|Speaking Engagements|Comments Off on Gary Smith Shares Insights at Arizona Cannabis Bar Association’s “Teaching the Happenings in Cannabis” Webinar

Gary Smith & JoAnn Falgout Shape the Next Generation of Attorneys by Speaking to ASU Students

Helping mentor the next generation of attorneys, Gary Smith and JoAnn Falgout recently shared career and industry insights with current and future Arizona State University law students as part of Guidant’s community outreach […]

By |2023-10-04T16:47:26-07:00December 16th, 2022|Speaking Engagements|Comments Off on Gary Smith & JoAnn Falgout Shape the Next Generation of Attorneys by Speaking to ASU Students
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