Gary Smith explores current legal, business and societal hot topics across the psychedelic spectrum in his Psychedelica Lex podcast. A multitude of experts and thought leaders have joined Gary to share their insight into some of the most provocative and topical issues impacting the psychedelics and cannabis domain.

In the past few months, Psychedelica Lex has covered Oregon’s drug decriminalization repeals and the state of cannabis crime in Arizona to the potential ramifications of religion practices intersecting with the psychedelic world, and more.

Take a look below of the Psychedelica Lex podcast’s latest line-up:

Jon Dennis, Esq. Talks About Oregon Measures 109 (Psilocybin) and 110 (Decrim) Repeal

Jon Dennis returns to Psychedelica Lex shortly after a year to give updates and observations about Oregon’s Psilocybin Services and Oregon’s rapid repeal of its drug decriminalization measure. Jon and Gary dive into how the state’s economic challenges paired with the pandemic didn’t set Measure 110 up for success, as well as what challenges may lie ahead.

Tom Dean, Esq. Discusses Arizona Cannabis Crime Today

Arizona is home to some of the nation’s most progressive re-regulations of cannabis, but some people are still being arrested and charged in Arizona for cannabis crimes. Over a 90-minute podcast, Tom — a criminal defense attorney specializing in cannabis laws and crimes — shares insight into why these arrests are being made 14 years after medical marijuana and recreational marijuana were enacted.

Ron McNutt, Esq. Discusses Church of the Celestial Heart v. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

In this installment of Psychedelica Lex, Gary interviews Ron McNutt about the Church of the Celestial Heart’s mid-litigation victory. The lawsuit focused on the church’s desire to import and use their sacramental tea (also known as Daime or ayahuasca, containing trace amounts of a Scheule I chemical) for religious ceremonies, and why the DEA filed a motion to dismiss the case but was denied by the court.

Charity Clark Discusses Arizona v. DeArmon (Religious Exemption)

Gary engaged in an enlightening interview with Charity Clark, Esq., courtesy of Charles Carreon (who makes guest appearance this episode) regarding her defense and successful settlement (plea bargain) of Arizona v. DeArmon. The case, which made its way to Charles and ultimately to Charity, may not have had a chance at religious exemption had it remained with a public defender. Fortunately, Charity had a productive dialogue with the prosecutors at the County Attorney’s Office and reached a plea deal that accounted for the religious exemption.

Tom Downey, Esq. Discusses Colorado’s Experience Reregulating Plant Medicines

In October when Gary was joined by Tom Downey, Esq on a AAA/NYSBA panel discussing arbitration for the cannabis industry. A year later, the two were able to connect again for a follow-up conversation about Tom being at the epicenter of action, having an office and law practice in Denver.

Charles Carreon and Greg Lake on the Arizona Yage Assembly vs DEA Update

Gary, Charles Carreon and Greg Lake go over the latest developments in the Arizona Yage Assembly (AYA) case against the DEA, and how it propelled the chance at modifying DEA behaviors toward psychedelic religions — especially regarding the importation of sacrament.

A leading cannabis and psychedelics attorney, Gary frequently shares insights with industry publications, organizations and media outlets in Arizona and nationwide. In addition to his podcast, he authored Psychedelica Lex, the preeminent legal manual for psychedelics and entheogens. Gary is a strong proponent of legalizing psychedelic experimentation for the terminally ill and serves as general counsel for the nation’s oldest multiracial peyote church.

Check out these podcasts and more at Psychedelica Lex.