Exploring the latest legal developments for his Psychedelica Lex podcast, Gary Smith frequently attracts some of the most renowned experts to contribute to the conversation.

Over the last few months, Gary hosted a diverse group of compelling thought leaders providing insights on issues across the psychedelic spectrum, including:

Joshua Kappel, Esq. Outlines the Colorado Natural Medicine Health Act

Founding board member of the International Cannabis Bar Association and Council for Responsible Cannabis Regulation, Joshua details how Colorado’s Natural Medicine Health Act will play a pivotal role in expanding access to psychedelics and potentially influence other states’ policies.

Victoria Litman, Esq. Highlights Key Psychedelic Tax Law Takeaways

Psychedelic Bar Association co-founder Victoria provides insight into furthering social justice through drug policy reform and tax law. Her extensive psychedelic tax law research, which is discussed in the podcast, will be presented for the first time at Psychedemia 2022.

Madalyn McElwain Spotlights Importance of Dance Safe and Harm Reduction

Madalyn, executive at nonprofit organization DanceSafe, discusses her advocacy for nightlife safety and why minimizing overdoses among partygoers is critical.

Jon Dennis Provides Update on the Latest Oregon Psilocybin Legislation Policies

As an established psychedelics attorney, entrepreneur and consultant, Jon clarifies upcoming manufacturing and licensing regulations to help listeners understand what to expect as Oregon prepares to implement the nation’s first regulatory framework for psilocybin.

Anya Cravitz Sheds Light on Psychedelic Therapy

Anya, vice president of strategic partnerships and growth at Endocanna Health, shares why psychedelic therapy could be a breakthrough for those with depression, schizophrenia, PTSD and more.

Marc Goldgrub Compares Canadian and American Psychedelic Law

Founder of a Toronto-based law firm, Marc contrasts differences in regulations between Canada and the U.S. and shares recent legal changes that could impact America’s decriminalization of psychedelics.

Kathryn Tucker, Esq. Talks Psilocybin and Right-to-Try Lawsuit

Executive director and founder of the End of Life Liberty Project, Kathryn outlines key legal issues regarding terminally ill patients’ right to experiment with psychedelics amid evolving federal policies.

A leading cannabis and psychedelics attorney, Gary frequently shares insights with industry publications, organizations and media outlets in Arizona and nationwide. In addition to his podcast, he authored Psychedelica Lex, the preeminent legal manual for psychedelics and entheogens. Gary is a strong proponent of legalizing psychedelic experimentation for the terminally ill and serves as general counsel for the nation’s oldest multiracial peyote church.