Miami became ground zero for psychedelic and cannabis business as thousands of people flocked to the city to take part Cannadelic Miami. Gary Smith, one of the nation’s leading legal experts on psychedelics, was invited to speak as part of a prestigious lineup of professionals delivering workshops, enticing experiences, and more at the second annual conference hosted by the Florida Cannabis Coalition.

Gary presented on psychedelic reform. In an audience that included scientists, investors, advocates and business leaders, he gave attendees a glimpse into current drug re-regulation and re-thinking, particularly focusing on Tryptamine scheduling and Ayahuasca injunction lawsuits.

Gary is one of the foremost leaders and sought-after voices on psychedelic law in Arizona and nationwide. Author of  Psychedelica Lex, the preeminent legal manual for individuals and groups interested in psychedelics and entheogens, and producer/host of the Psychedelica Lex podcast, he is frequently asked to share his deep knowledge and insights with a wide range of media and industry events. Additionally, Gary is Chair of the Psychedelic Bar Association’s Legalization and Regulation Committee and serves as general counsel to the nation’s oldest multi-racial peyote church. He also advocates for the proposed Uniform Plant and Fungi Medicine Act.