Sam Saks Advises Az Business Readers on New Risks from Employees Working from Home

As working from home has become prevalent, many businesses face new risks, including cyber threats and safety concerns. Az Business Magazine recently turned to Sam Saks and other legal experts to educate companies on […]

By |2023-10-04T16:48:59-07:00November 11th, 2020|In the News|Comments Off on Sam Saks Advises Az Business Readers on New Risks from Employees Working from Home

Lamar Hawkins Informs InBusiness Readers About New Subchapter V 11 Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy can be a lengthy and expensive process — Chapter 11 can cost businesses $40,000 to $75,000. Fortunately, as Lamar Hawkins writes for InBusiness, Arizona businesses now have a more efficient option: Subchapter V […]

By |2023-10-04T16:49:00-07:00November 3rd, 2020|In the News, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Lamar Hawkins Informs InBusiness Readers About New Subchapter V 11 Bankruptcy

Gary Smith Article Discusses the Power of Public Initiatives in Plant Medicine Industries

With public initiatives to legalize cannabis and psilocybin currently on the ballots in Arizona and Oregon, Gary Smith wrote an article for Chacruna Chronicles explaining the legalization process and how it may impact the […]

By |2023-10-04T16:49:01-07:00October 30th, 2020|Cannabis, In the News|Comments Off on Gary Smith Article Discusses the Power of Public Initiatives in Plant Medicine Industries

Gary Smith Describes Psychedelic Business Opportunities for In Business

Interest in psychedelics is experiencing a renaissance —the FDA is on track to approve use of two within the next two years, creating a variety of business opportunities for cultivators, clinic operators, clinicians, testing labs […]

By |2023-10-04T16:49:02-07:00October 6th, 2020|Cannabis, In the News|Comments Off on Gary Smith Describes Psychedelic Business Opportunities for In Business

Lamar Hawkins’ Phoenix Business Journal Column Makes the Case for Subchapter V 11 Bankruptcies

Anticipating a tsunami of bankruptcies coming at Arizona companies, Lamar Hawkins penned an article for Phoenix Business Journal alerting them to a new option that gets them back on their […]

By |2023-10-04T16:49:03-07:00September 25th, 2020|In the News, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Lamar Hawkins’ Phoenix Business Journal Column Makes the Case for Subchapter V 11 Bankruptcies

Gary Smith Outlines How Cannabis and Hemp Cultivators Can Decrease Pollen Damage

Because cross-pollination can dilute cannabis potency, some municipalities have enacted isolation ordinances, while some states maintain crop registries. However, cannabis and hemp cultivators and investors must be proactive to avoid losing tens of millions of […]

By |2023-10-04T16:49:03-07:00September 17th, 2020|In the News, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Gary Smith Outlines How Cannabis and Hemp Cultivators Can Decrease Pollen Damage

Gary Smith Educates AZ Business Readers About Mediation and Arbitration

Seeking to reduce jury trials during the pandemic, Maricopa County Superior Court is steering litigants toward mediation and arbitration. AZ Business recently turned to Gary Smith to explain the differences […]

By |2023-10-04T16:49:04-07:00September 15th, 2020|In the News|Comments Off on Gary Smith Educates AZ Business Readers About Mediation and Arbitration

Stockton Banfield Addresses Why LLC Operating Agreements are Important and What They Should Include

Many Arizona LLCs have operating agreements that are incomplete, insufficient or altogether absent. To help them protect their interests, Stockton Banfield outlined what operating agreements should include in an article […]

By |2023-10-04T16:49:05-07:00September 4th, 2020|In the News, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Stockton Banfield Addresses Why LLC Operating Agreements are Important and What They Should Include

Gary Smith Educates 12 News Viewers on Smart and Safe Act, Potential Benefits of Adult-Use Legalization

Regularly called on to share his cannabis industry expertise, Gary Smith helped 12 News explain the benefits of the Smart and Safe Act. The Act, which qualified for the 2020 […]

By |2023-10-04T16:49:08-07:00August 13th, 2020|Cannabis, In the News|Comments Off on Gary Smith Educates 12 News Viewers on Smart and Safe Act, Potential Benefits of Adult-Use Legalization

Lamar Hawkins Offers Guidance Regarding Eviction Moratorium in Cronkite News, Other Arizona Publications

Considering COVID-19’s economic impacts, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey extended the state’s moratorium on residential evictions to Oct. 31. However, as leading bankruptcy attorney Lamar Hawkins explains in a Cronkite News […]

By |2023-10-04T16:49:08-07:00August 11th, 2020|Bankruptcy, General, In the News|Comments Off on Lamar Hawkins Offers Guidance Regarding Eviction Moratorium in Cronkite News, Other Arizona Publications
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